The USPS/NOS/NOAA Cooperative Charting program is a major public service of USPS. It includes two distinct activities, the Nautical program and the Geodetic Marks program. The Nautical program is conducted with the Marine Chart Division, National Ocean Service (NOS), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), U.S. Coast Guard, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
Geodetic Marks The Geodetic Marks program was resurrected by the USPS National Cooperative Charting Committee in 2015 and is managed entirely by the National Committee. To obtain detailed information about this program and participate in its activities, visit web site, log in on the Members site, and go to the Cooperative Charting page. You will find a clear and complete description of the program.
Nautical Program Until recently, the CCWeb database was the hub of the operations of the Cooperative Charting program. On March 31, 2016, the CCWeb was suddenly and permanently taken offline to safeguard the security of the NOS network. The National Cooperative Charting Committee has developed stop gap solutions to allow members to participate in the cooperative charting activities until a permanent replacement for CCWeb is developed. The temporary procedures developed are summarized on this page.
Standard Operating Procedures A Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) document was developed to replace the 2015 Edition of the Cooperative Charting Manual. The SOPs document describes in some details the procedures to be followed in conducting Cooperative Charting surveys. View or Print SOP Document
Submitting Reports Submit a report of your activities using the Nautical Discrepancy Report. You can include up to 5 inspection reports on each Jot form. You may include supporting documentation with your report.
The District Cooperative Charting Chair will review your report and if necessary ask you to make required revisions. The Chair will forward accepted reports to the Area Representative for review and acceptance.
Boating safety is the highest priority of USPS. Report any chart discrepancies vital to safety and navigation through NOAA’s Nautical Discrepancy Report System at Complete the form with the information requested for the Coast Pilot updates, Chart Discrepancies or Depth Surveys.
Bridge Verification/Discrepancy reports are described in Chapter 3.8 of the SOPs. Report the results on USPS Form 7055. Download Form Here
Aid to Navigation (ATON) discrepancy should be reported to the USCG, see chapter 3.7.4, page 28, of the SOPs for the detailed procedures of reporting to the USCG.
Detailed procedures for “ATON Verification/Discrepancy Reports” is provided in Chapter 3.7.2 of the SOPs. Members can report on ATONs on an Adopted Chart at least once annually, preferably twice a year. Members may report on ATONs that are not on an adopted chart once annually.
Report each inspected ATON on a separate Form 7054. Download Form Here